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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Complete IPQC Tests for Pharmaceutical Tablet Dosage Form


IPQC Tests for Pharmaceutical Tablet Dosage, Pharmacy Education, Weight, Hardness, Desintegration, Friability, Thickness

What you’ll learn

  • Inprocess Quality Control Test For tablet Dosage form
  • Pharmaceutical Testing
  • Neccessity of IPQC tests
  • How to maintain quality of pharmaceutical product


The development of a drug product is a lengthy process involving  drug discovery, laboratory testing, animal studies, clinical trials  and regulatory registration.

To further enhance the effectiveness  and safety of the drug product after approval, many regulatory  agencies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) also require that the drug product be tested for its identity,  strength, quality, purity and stability before it can be released for  use. For this reason, pharmaceutical validation and process controls  are important in spite of the problems that may been countered.

Process controls include raw materials inspection, in-process  controls and target so for final product. IPQC stands for in process  quality control. These are checks that are carried out before the  manufacturing process is completed. The function of of in-process  controls is monitoring and if necessary adaption of the  manufacturing process in order to comply with the specifications

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