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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Software architecture


Architecture is an important engineering step in the design and creation of software

Acquaintance with different levels in software architecture

Creation of the constituent parts of the software architecture and the connection between them

Building the best software architectures

Creation of an understandable description of the software architecture for further expansion

The architecture describes the processes and structures of the entire project, determining the data throughput in different parts of the project, and allows you to optimize and scale the project in the future.

Good architects are often people who learn from even better architects. Perhaps this is because some conceptual requirements are inherent in almost all projects. Each conceptual requirement is formulated as a question that the architect must ask himself during the project. Of course, some systems may have their own additional critical conceptual requirements.

We will get to know the types of software architectures. We will be able to create our own simple software architecture. We will be able to use and expand the software architecture. As a result, this course will be useful not only for architects or people who plan to become one. And, technical leaders of the development group, developers of different levels and testers.

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