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Friday, May 20, 2022

Transportation Management: Global Logistics & Urban Planning


Transportation management, Urban planning, Railways, Smart City Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Introduction and Overview of Landuse Transportation Planning.

Landuse Transportation Relation Models.

Urban Growth Pattern Land suitability, Accessibility and Land price.

Types of Roads.

Road Transportation and Traffic Planning.

Traffic Impact Assessment.

Transit Oriented Development and Transit Service.

Urban Parking Plan and Types of Parking.

Transport Demand and Supply in Urban and Logistics and Supply Chain.

Modes of Transportation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management for Cargo.

Warehouse Logistics Management in Supply Chain.

Logistics Flow and Transportation Planning for Cargo.

This course provides the concepts and skill sets to undertake urban landuse planning and transportation planning for urban transportation along with Logistics and Supply Chain Management and to analyze the impact of various policies either related to infrastructure development, environmental regulation and urban expansion and how to smoothen the cargo flow in Logistics and Supply Chain. This will help future planners to plan for our smart cities in a more comprehensive way to make sure that the Urban transportation management and Logistics in Supply Chain operate smoothly. The course focuses on all the key components of urban development including urban demographic transitions, real estate development, residential location choice, land price fluctuations, Transportation planning in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Additionally, the course focuses on transport infrastructure and freight planning in Logistics and Supply Chain. Apart from providing a comprehensive knowhow about the traditional theories and models of urban transport systems, it also introduces the advanced techniques that are coming up in recent times like activity based models, shared mobility, Transit Oriented Development, Different modes of transport management for passenger and Modes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

1.Introduction and Overview of Landuse Transportation Planning.

2.Landuse Transportation Relation Models.

3.Urban Growth Pattern Land suitability, Accessibility and Land price.

4.Types of Roads.

5.Road Transportation and Traffic Planning.

6.Traffic Impact Assessment.

7.Transit Oriented Development and Transit Service.

8.Urban Parking Plan and Types of Parking.

9.Transport Demand and Supply in Urban and Logistics and Supply Chain.

10.Modes of Transportation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management for Cargo.

11.Warehouse Logistics Management in Supply Chain.

12.Logistics Flow and Transportation Planning for Cargo

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