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Saturday, May 14, 2022

HTML & CSS - Certification Course for Beginners


Lean the Foundations of HTML & CSS to Create Fully Customized, Mobile Responsive Web Pages

The Structure of an HTML Page

Core HTML Tags

HTML Spacing

HTML Text Formatting & Decoration

HTML Lists (Ordered, Unordered)

HTML Image Insertion

HTML Embedding Videos

Absolute vs. Relative File Referrencing

Link Creation, Anchor Tags, Tables

Table Background Images

Form Tags and Attributes – Buttons, Input Areas, Select Menus

Parts of a CSS Rule

CSS – Classes, Spans, Divisions

CSS Text Properties, Margins, & Padding

CSS Borders, Backgrounds, & Transparency

CSS Positioning – Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Float, Clear

CSS Z-Index, Styling Links, Tables

Responsive Web Page Design using CSS

Welcome to the HTML & CSS – Certification Course for Beginners

This two part series provides an in-depth look at the fundamentals of coding in HTML and CSS. We start with exploring HTML Development using some of the most commonly used tags and attributes. Students will learn the composition of an HTML file, and some of the essential components. Students will work with HTML Spacing, Text Formatting, Lists, Images, Embedding Videos, Link Creation, Tables, and Forms. We also include a hands-on project, that helps solidify the concepts we explore in the course.

After the HTML Section, students will dive into CSS to fully customize the look of their web pages. We provide an extensive overview of CSS attributes, components, and positioning. This includes:

  • Parts of a CSS Rule
  • CSS Divisions
  • CSS IDs
  • Color Codes
  • Applying Borders, Backgrounds, and Styling Images
  • CSS Positioning, including Static, Relative, Absolute, and Fixed
  • CSS Z-Indexing, Styling Links, and Styling Tables.

Through a hands-on project, students will also build a fully customized, responsive website using both HTML5 and CSS3.

What you’ll learn – Overview:

  • The Structure of an HTML Page
  • Core HTML Tags
  • HTML Spacing
  • HTML Text Formatting & Decoration
  • HTML Lists (Ordered, Unordered)
  • HTML Image Insertion
  • HTML Embedding Videos
  • Absolute vs. Relative File Referrencing
  • Link Creation, Anchor Tags, Tables
  • Table Background Images
  • Form Tags and Attributes – Buttons, Input Areas, Select Menus
  • Parts of a CSS Rule
  • CSS – Classes, Spans, Divisions
  • CSS Text Properties, Margins, & Padding
  • CSS Borders, Backgrounds, & Transparency
  • CSS Positioning – Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Float, Clear
  • CSS Z-Index, Styling Links, Tables
  • Responsive Web Page Design using CSS

If you are serious about taking your coding skills to the next level, enrol in this course today!

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