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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Python for beginners - Learn all the basics of python


Learn how to program in python- python functions-python basic apps – python tips and tricks – Other Python features

Learn how to use Python 3 the right way

Understand complex functions in python

Be able to use python on a daily basis

Create your own basic programs with python

Learn Different Tips and Trics to improve your programming skills

Learn at your own rythm with different practical exercices at each course

Programming can sometimes be very hard to learn especially if you have no experience in this field. But, this course have everything that you need to be able to start your programming career or improve your programming skills by learning all the basis of python. If you :

– Are in school and want to learn how to program in python

– Need to learn this programming language for work

– Want to start a personal project that requires you to have programming knowledge

– simply want to learn a new skill

Then you will love this course. Not only you will have by the end of the course a very solid base of this programming language but you will also be able create small and simple application right after the course

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